Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day Tote Bag

A friend of mine shared with me her experience this past Mother's Day (May 10) and I thought it was such a great way to show how a promotional product can benefit your business in ways you may not even think of.

Getting away for a weekend can be so relaxing, but when you are treated with a getaway weekend for Mother's Day then it is even more special.

Upon arriving at the hotel my friend (and every lady) was given a tote bag with a box of chocolates in it, and a warm sentiment to have a Happy Mother's Day. Who can resist chocolate? Now when those chocolates are gone, what does one do with the tote bag - which by the way was branded with the name and logo of the hotel. Definitely it would not get thrown away with the empty box of chocolates.

Well, one takes that tote bag and puts a book and suntan lotion in it and heads to the pool, or stashes some snacks in it and heads out for a hike or to the park. Perhaps one could even use it to put gifts in to take home to the kids. That tote bag, which maybe cost the hotel a few dollars, just might be one of the biggest advertisement tools it has ever had. Not the ad in the newspaper or the billboard on the interstate - but a simple tote bag that will be carried around to many different places across the town, state, country and perhaps even internationally.

Unknowingly the person carrying the tote bag advertises for the hotel. Someone asks "Oh, you went to XYZ Hotel - how was your stay?" Thus, opening up a conversation leading to another customer staying at "XYZ" hotel!

The hotel gains a new customer and the small amount of money spent to buy the tote bags has paid off a thousand times over!

If you would like customized ideas for your next event or promotion contact me at A tote bag may not be appropriate for your clientele. However, with thousands of promotional products available, we are bound to find a few items that will help you to gain new customers and reach your goals.

I would like to thank Cindy of for her idea for this blog post.

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