Saturday, March 7, 2009

Use Promotional Products In An Effective Way

We all want to get our business out there to be seen, and attract buying customers. Promotional products can be used in a number of different ways to effectively advertise your business. You need to provide promotional items that customers will find engaging and useful.

When planning a promotion you need to ask yourself some questions:

1. Who is my target market group?

2. Will I have promotional items to sell? or give away? or both?

3. What is my budget?

4. Will my customer be able to use the promotional item over and over?

An effective promotional item will be something that the customer will keep, use daily, and remind them of your company. Always use relevant items for your intended target market group. For example, a quality personalized bag will be used repeatedly by most customers giving your business plenty of exposure. Not only will that customer see your company name every day, but so will everyone that they come into contact with during their daily routine.

Advanced planning, and the right promotional product, can reap rewards in increased exposure, and the return on your investment. As a rule, promotional items of perceived greater value generate more sales leads than products of perceived lower value.

Customers who receive a useful promotional product have a warmer feeling for the companies they received them from putting your business foremost in their minds when they need your services.

With all of that in mind, my pick of the day is the non-woven shopping bag. Shopping bags have many uses, and with the environment in the daily headlines, your customers can be savvy shoppers while promoting your business.

Have a Terrific Day!

Theresa Reeise
Now and Forever Creations

1 comment:

  1. Nice article, thanks for sharing. Promotional products are indeed cost effective marketing tool. It is wise to now your target market to be able to choose the right item that would reflects your brand. Also, it should be functional enough for the use of your customers. For promotional products from Australia you may also visit
